Has having one of us doing the buy to let side hustle pretty much full time made a difference to the progress we’ve made this month? Progress made in April 2019 Our only objective this month was to find our
Making an offer on the next property
It wasn’t the purchase that we’d planned but it seems too good to be true. How do we go about making an offer on the next property? Making an offer on the next property The last 2 days have been
Lending money to the buy to let company
How does a brand new company get the start-up capital to purchase buy to let properties and what documents do we need to produce? Lending money to the buy to let company Greenverge Property Limited is a brand new company.
Our offer was rejected for being too low
We took our first step and made an offer on a property. The offer was rejected for being too low. Would we make a higher offer or start to look for a different property to buy to let? Our offer
Picking a buy to let property and making an offer
The time has come to actually put the money where our plan is. We need to get on with picking a buy to let property and making an offer. We have streamlined processes as much as we can. Had all
Do we or don’t we go to view these properties
So our short list of properties is now a very short list of possibilities. Do we or don’t we go to view these properties? Do we or don’t we go to view these properties? We’ve done the research into the
How we built our shortlist of properties to buy
how we built our shortlist of properties to buy by using our opportunity model, each doing more research and having a long discussion. How we built our shortlist of properties to buy So from the initial long list of potential
The opportunity model is working
Now that I’m working with it every day, I’ve proven that the opportunity model is working. As a result, I’ve built a shortlist of buy to let properties to discuss. The opportunity model is working This is a quick update
Developing a process for buy to let
If we are going to do our buy to let property hunting effectively, we need to have an efficient process. This will help identify property we want to buy. Developing a process Why do we need a process? It’s an
Getting a buy to let mortgage
Getting a buy to let mortgage We have a final piece of research in our buy to let property jigsaw puzzle. That is to find out about a buy to let mortgage. A quick internet search showed that many high